CBD Vape Guide: How To Vape CBD Oil & How To Use CBD Oil In Vape Pen?
Table of Contents For This Article:
- Overview
- Ways of Consuming CBD
- What is CBD Vape?
- How does CBD works on the body?
- What Effects Can I Expect to Feel from CBD Vape Oil?
- What are the side effects of vaping CBD?
- Will CBD Oil Get Me High?
- Why vaping is one of the best ways to absorb CBD?
- What are CBD cartridges and CBD pods?
- Disposable CBD vape pens & Refillable CBD vape pens
- The guide on vaping CBD
- Conclusion
Marijuana is being used for medicinal purposes for a long time. Even in the prehistoric era, it was used to treat different conditions and ailments. CBD oil has assumed a great deal of importance and become the topic of debate in the medical field in current time. It has shown to have a significant effect on children suffering from seizures, and its role is also evident in shrinking tumors. Use of CBD goes as far as 19th century wherein Queen Victoria considered it a valuable ally in dealing with menstrual cramp. Currently, there are plenty of methods of cannabis consumption that are getting prevalent with CBD emerging as an important product.
According to Kason Deland, who is a New York advertising executive along with being a board member of Dosist which is a cannabis company from Santa Monica, Calif, "Right now, CBD is the chemical equivalent to Bitcoin in 2016. It is hot everywhere, and yet almost nobody understands it."
Ways of Consuming CBD
It is vital to understand the effect of CBD on your body before you proceed to know about CBD vape. For CBD to show its impact, it needs to be absorbed by the body. Thus, it needs to enter your body following which it can make its way to the bloodstream and then travel in the body, interacting with the cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid receptors. 5-HT1A, which is a serotonin receptor and TRPV-1, which is a vanilloid receptor, are examples of non-cannabinoid receptors while CB2 is a cannabinoid receptor.
The effect of CBD depends on the method of consumption or the route via which it is administered. The uptake of CBD, along with its distribution and elimination in the body are all influenced by the method it is ingested. Therefore, the way you select for taking CBD will decide how effective cannabinoid therapy proves to be in dealing with your medical problems.
CBD can be consumed in ample ways. Swallowing tinctures is one option. It can also be added to food or smeared on the skin. Inhaling it and swishing it around the mouth are some other methods. The method of consumption also decides how long it would take for CBD to show its effects. CBD is absorbed by the body in different ways, and thus, the method of consumption is of utmost significance.
What is CBD Vape?
CBD, which is meant for vaping, is often called CBD vape oil. However, it does not comprise of the actual oil. Thus, it can more appropriately be referred to as CBD distillate or CDB vape juice. These are usually manufactured with food-grade ingredients, and therefore you can take them orally. However, remember that they are not the same as oil-based tinctures. Take a close look at the components of the product. If it comprises of any other ingredient apart from VG, PG, terpenes, cannabinoids and CBD extract, it is unlikely to be suitable for inhalation. Avoid taking any risk. The label should mention that the product is meant for vaping. It can have vape juice, e-juice, or e-liquid written on it. It is crucial to ensure that actual oil is not present in the product.
How does CBD works on the body?
CBD is absorbed by the alveoli in the lung quite quickly when CBD oil is vaped. One reason for this is that the lungs have a large surface area which enhances absorption. CBD enters the bloodstream after passing through the alveoli and then makes its way through your body.

What Effects Can I Expect to Feel from CBD Vape Oil?
Those who are not aware of the effects that CBD can cause might be confused about what to expect from their vaping session. Firstly, it would not cause you to feel out of sorts since CBD is devoid of any psychoactive effects. You would not face any difficulty in going about with your work. You will not feel impaired, and your focus would not be compromised. People usually describe the experience of vaping CBD as relaxing. They feel as though a wave of relief washes over them. You can think of it as an inhaled and plant-derived version of Advil as the effects are somewhat similar.
Let us take a look at some of the effects one might experience when he vapes CPD.
- Reduces pain and inflammation, treating chronic pain
CBD can reduce inflammation and pain. Thus, it is quite effective in alleviating pain and offers long-lasting relief as it not only deals with pain but also has an effect on the cause of it, which is inflammation. Most diseases are caused or at least affected by inflammation, including eczema, Alzheimer's, and Crohn's disease, among others. When inflammation is reduced, symptoms can be alleviated. Thus, vaping CBD offers a long-lasting relief in pain. CBD also has analgesic property. It is similar to the painkillers available on the market but does not have a risk of addiction or impairment.
- Reduce stress levels
CBD also has a positive impact on the mental and emotional state. It can significantly reduce stress levels and feeling of anxiety in animals and humans. According to an NCBI study, participants who were given CBD before a public speech felt reduced anxiety and cognitive discomfort during their performance. Thus, CBD vape can deal with acute and chronic anxiety effectively. The frequency of panic attacks and similar other events can also lessen owing to it.
- Induce sleep, providing relief from ailments
It can also provide you with relief from insomnia as it induces sleep. Insomnia can often be attributed to anxiety, stress, or some sort of trauma. Since CBD has soothing power, it is hardly surprising that it helps you sleep. CBD consumers often state that they feel a soothing sensation when they vape. This relaxes both mind and body. A feeling of peace and calmness washes over you. CBD can also be quite useful in dealing with symptoms of PTSD.
What are the side effects of vaping CBD?
Side effects of CBD are still under research. According to a detailed study released previous year, CBD could be associated with some side effects. The side effect most commonly found, is mild drowsiness. This usually happens with beginner and subsides after regular use of CBD.
The drowsiness can be attributed to a high dose of CBD. Low to medium dose of the compound causes the opposite effect. Some other side effects that one might experience include hunger, slight euphoria, and occasionally red eyes. The side effects of CBD, as opposed to other prescription drugs, are not as prominent.
Will CBD Oil Get Me High?
People commonly ask whether CBD oil will get them high. A definitive answer would be no. CBD, which is Farm-bill compliant, cannot contain more than 0.3% of THC. Thus, irrespective of how much you smoke it, you will not get high. Your lings cannot possibly smoke enough of it for sufficient THC to be absorbed. This is good news for those who use CBD for medicinal purposes since this implies that the medicine can be used without having to compromise on your clarity.
While CBD is devoid of psychoactive effects, you will feel it as it starts its work. CBD acts quite fast as the tissues of lung absorb it. Thus, it sets to work quickly, ensuring that you feel the effects after merely a few puffs of vaping. Furthermore, it is highly safe, and it is impossible to overdose.
Why vaping is one of the best ways to absorb CBD?
Vaping CBD or THC offers stronger effects compared to other options. As per a study published recently in the American Medical Association, a more potent high is acquired via vaping cannabis. A weed vaporizer leads to a larger amount of THC in the bloodstream, which is the active ingredient of cannabis. With the use of cannabis becoming more prevalent, consumers are now looking for accessories which would offer them with strong and potent effects.
A higher percentage of the compound, within the range of 34 to 46 percent is absorbed by the body through CBD vape. In contrast, if cannabidiol is taken as edible, the body absorbs about 10% of it.
What are CBD cartridges and CBD pods?
CBD cartridges refer to vape tanks that are slim and cylindrical in shape. They comprise of CBD distillate or vape juice. These cartridges work with an e-cig battery or some other device that is compatible with standard 510 connectors. Their usual capacity is 0.5 to 1ml. These devices offer the most convenient and secure method of vaping CBD apart from disposables.
CBD oil cartridges with a modern touch give you CBD pods. These devices are compatible with JUUL battery that are among highly popular vapes available. The users of this one have the option of swapping between nicotine and CBD easily. A snap in the pod is all that is required.
Disposable CBD vape pens & Refillable CBD vape pens
Disposable CBD vape pens
These offer the most convenient and inexpensive means of starting CBD oil vaping. These devices are light in weight and offer a style similar to cigarettes in the form of pens. Their cartridge is pre-filled with CBD e-juice. They are equipped with a built-in battery and coil. They can easily be used for at least a hundred puffs before they need to be disposed of.
Refillable CBD vape pens
These are rechargeable devices which have to be filled with CBD e-juice. These devices are usually equipped with a tube-style battery which is attached to a vape pen along with an internal coil. They are capable of producing more flavor and vapor compared to disposables and prove to be a cost-effective option. However, you will need to pay a bit of attention to their maintenance and change the coil and keep the tank clean.
Refillable pod vapes are also available that can be used with CBD. These must have the ability to handle e-liquids with thicker viscosity. CBD Vape juices usually comprise of 70% or more of VG. Some of these devices look similar to JUUL, but a lot of variations are found in their sizes and forms.
The guide on vaping CBD
If you want to vape CBD properly, you first have to know the quantity to vape and the strength to opt for. A lot of factors have to be kept in mind when deciding on the dosage of CBD. Factors like body weight and chemistry, and the severity of the condition are all important.
You will find a lot of vaporizers of different types on the market. Selecting the vape pen to use would be easy if you pay heed to three vital features which include ease they offer in usage, their potency, and the flavor.
- Ease of use
Vape pens are most commonly used for vaping e-juice. Some devices offer more ease compared to others. However, you can be assured that it is not really complicated to vape CBD. It might feel intimidating initially. Thus, you can start with the simplest option you can find and then make gradual progress. For beginners, cartridges, pods, and disposables are the easiest. A bit more advanced option would be refillable vape pens that are quite cost-effective.
- Potency
The potency of e-liquid needs to be considered while selecting a vape oil. The potency that is suitable for you might have to be determined via the trial and error process. It is advisable, to begin with, lower potency and increase it gradually.
- Flavor
You can find a variety of flavors in e-liquids. You can find sweet, natural, and all other types of flavors. It is up to your preference as to what e-liquid flavor you want to select.
You do not have to be wary or worried while trying a new CBD product. You might be new at vaping and unfamiliar with it, but a bit of practice is all that is required, and before you know it, it would become a part of your routine. The benefits of vaping make learning it worthwhile. Although a lot of research has been done in vaping, there is a lot that is still undiscovered. We have provided you with information from the current study. Thus, you can now decide whether you should vape CBD or not with all the relevant information in hand. CBD oil might prove to be beneficial even if you are entirely healthy. If you are of the opinion that vaping is not right got you, you can think of some other ways of consuming CBD like oral products and tincture.
Photo sources: pixabay.com, shutterstock.com, pexels.com, flickr.com, gettyimages.com, istockphoto.com, unsplash.com, freeimages.com, 500px.com, rgbstock.com